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I’ve had a long and storied history with handheld gaming consoles, all the way back to the original Game Boy. Although I enjoy my Steam Deck (which is incredible), the Evercade EXP by Blaze Entertainment is the modern-day handheld that has piqued my interest the most. It perfectly captures the mindset that I currently have.

Modern-day retro

You see, I’m kinda tired of big, long AAA titles that just take ages to download and update. I want to go back to a time when things were simpler. When games didn’t take as long to complete. And back to a time when physical media was prevalent. One of the best things about the Evercade EXP is the fact that games come on cartridges. Each cartridge generally has around 7 to 12 games on it, although some only have two or even one. And boy, let me tell you, these things really feed my collector’s mindset.

Classic collections

The games range from retro classics like the Gremlin Games collection or the Delphine collection, to more modern Indie hits like Full Void. From a collector’s point of view, I am now able to access some of these games for mega cheap in physical format. When the original games for the old consoles cost a lot of money, collecting them becomes a very expensive hobby. I don’t really want to spend all that money on some overpriced old cartridges but I do still want to have them in a physical collection. If that makes sense! In this capacity the Evercade EXP really fills that specific niche for me.

A photo of the Evercade EXP alongside its box

The other thing I really enjoy about the Evercade EXP is the opportunity it gives indie game developers to actually get a physical game release. With the rise of digital downloads, I imagine it’s harder than ever to actually physically publish a game. This is why I support companies such as Super Rare Games or Blaze Entertainment. They give game developers a chance to have their work available in a physical form. As someone who enjoys physical games, and prefers them over digital, this is the perfect handheld console for me. The fact that each release comes with a booklet about each title as standard, alongside the occasional added extra like stickers or posters is just the cherry on top.

Looking to the future

I really do hope that the Evercade brand goes from strength to strength and becomes bigger and better. Hopefully, they release more games and give more opportunities to indie developers. I do think it’s going to go that way. I’ve seen some really positive coverage from people like LGR and Linus Tech Tips (Short Circuit) talking about this machine. I’ve personally wanted one for a long time, all the way back when the original red and white console launched.

I want to set myself a challenge this year where I collect as many of the Evercade EXP cartridges as I can. I plan to make a fair few bits of content about it. Unbox some new releases, and maybe talk about some of the games I think will fit well into the Evercade ecosystem. All that good stuff. Overall, I really enjoy my new little handheld. If you want to watch a video version of this article then check out the one below!

About Post Author

Jamie Depledge

Content Creator, Designer, Rat Dad. Creator of BestNerdLife

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